An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
December 16
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYAnd almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. (Hebrews 9:22)
There is only one way to take care of our sins: through the blood of Jesus Christ! Men have tried turning over a new leaf, baptism, church membership, and doing good deeds. These things are good in their places; however, it takes the blood of Jesus to remove our sins. If there had been another way, Jesus would not have had to come to this earth and die at Calvary. The offering of animal sacrifices under the law only took care of sins for the present time as they pushed the sins forward to Calvary. When our Lord shed His blood, the payment for our sin debt was complete. Now every soul, who calls upon the Lord in faith and repentance, will be saved because of His shed blood. Think about that when you next sing, “There Is a Fountain.”