An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
November 24
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYFor ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. (1 Corinthians 6:20)
We have been bought with a price! It must have been an awful thing for those who were sold into slavery. Not knowing who their master was or how he would treat them brought fear into their hearts. This scripture tells of a different kind of a purchase. We have been purchased by the Lord Jesus Christ from the clutches of Satan. Our lives have been redeemed by His precious blood, shed on the cross of Calvary. Our souls have been saved from an awful burning hell by the sacrifice of Himself. What a price Jesus paid for us! Knowing of His great sacrifice, let’s give our lives to Jesus, both now and forever. Glorify Him today! ~
DAILY BIBLE READING: 1 Corinthians 4-6