An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
November 22
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYSo then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. (Romans 14:12)
There will surely be a day in the future in which each of us will stand before God and give account of how we have lived our life on this earth. I share with you three observations: 1st Observation: All will stand before our creator and give account! The sinner at the Great White Throne Judgment, and the saved at the Judgment Seat of Christ. 2nd Observation: Our attitude toward the Judgment Seat of Christ should not be of fear, but of a fervent, earnest desire to please the Lord. 3rd Observation: We will be judged by Him, who left the glorious perfection of Heaven to come down to this earth and suffer and die for us! ~