An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
September 13
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYSo thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. (Ezekiel 33:7)
We hear today about the power of positive preaching; however, along with the positive there must be negative preaching such as in the days of Ezekiel. God called Ezekiel a watchman and commanded him to warn the house of Israel. Those who are true men of God must preach of sin, judgment and hell. As a soul-winner you must inform those with who you are in contact about the dangers of continuing in their sinful ways. Before one can be saved, he must realize that he is a lost sinner on the way to an eternal hell. Stand up today and warn the lost about God’s judgment of their sins. You are a watchman for their souls! ~