An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
September 6
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYDestruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none. (Ezekiel 7:25)
Peace is a wonderful thing, but without the Lord there is none. When a person, or nation, is right with the Lord, there is wonderful peace; however, when sin abounds the peace of God leaves. The world goes to alcohol, drugs and other such things looking for peace and satisfaction, but none of these things satisfies. Only in the Lord Jesus Christ can you find true abiding peace. At the moment of my salvation, my most overwhelming emotion was the peace of God that flooded my soul, a peace that I never knew existed! That peace has steadied me many times since in desperate situations. Aren’t you grateful that you have His peace that passes all understanding? ~