An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
August 14
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYThere is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked. (Isaiah 57:21)
God has a better plan. His is a way of blessing and peace, yet many ignore God’s way and choose to follow Satan. The result is that bars are full of men and women who cannot find peace in the world. Drug use is rampant as users seek for the peace they need in the wrong places. Hollywood style lack of marital commitment is popular as marriages go on the rocks and they go from partner to partner, only to lack fulfillment. Mankind seems to never learn that God’s way is best. God offers a peace that is a genuine inner peace. You need His peace through the storms and temptations of this life, and you must have it in death. Do you have it? ~~