An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
July 9
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYGive instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. (Proverbs 9:9)
One can tell how wise a person is by the way he receives instruction. Those who are wise will love instruction. As a sponge soaks up water, those who are wise will soak up instruction and want more. They crave knowledge and learn with great pleasure. They seek to know experiences of wise men and will listen and learn from others. On the other hand, reproof a scorner, and he will hate you. He despises instruction and wisdom and turns a deaf ear to all who would share their knowledge with him. In his own mind he knows more that all others around him, so none dare tell him what to do. How do you receive instruction? ~
DAILY BIBLE READING: Proverbs 9; Job 28-29