An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
July 15
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYA soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. (Proverbs 15:1)
When Solomon’s son became King of Israel he sought counsel. The old men advised Rehoboam to speak kindly to his people that they might serve him (2 Chronicles 10:7). Afterwards he asked the young men for counsel, and unfortunately for him, he followed their advice. Rehoboam spake roughly to the people causing ten of the twelve tribes to rebel from his rule and chose their own king. If the king would have used kind words they would have served him forever. We may not lose a kingdom by our harsh words, but we could lose a friend. If you can answer an angry person with gracious words you may avoid a conflict. People will tend to answer our kind words with kind words of their own; therefore your kind words can, in many situations, dictate the temperament of others. Change someone’s attitude today with your gracious words. ~~~
DAILY BIBLE READING: Proverbs 15; Job 40-42