An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
February 21
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYBut I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever. (Psalm 52:8)
Imagine your church is made up of trees. In your church there are saplings, though too young to produce fruit, they have potential. They need encouragement. Some are unhealthy, insect infested trees, producing very little fruit. They need revival. There are those who would be driftwood, attending for a little while, they drift on to another church. They seem to find fault with every church around. They need maturity. Regretfully, there are thorn bushes who agitate all around them. They need repentance and a good dose of the gentleness of Christ. A few are the battle-scared, tough oaks who have victoriously weathered the storms of Satan. They show scars of wounds received in battles of the past, yet they persevered. They deserve honor and respect. Finally there are the green olive trees, like David, who faithfully keep on producing fruit. They deserve praise. Which one are you? ~~~
DAILY BIBLE READING: Psalm 52; Leviticus 25-27
DAILY BIBLE READING: Psalm 52; Leviticus 25-27