An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
February 6
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYThe steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. (Psalm 37:23)
None of us is wise enough to direct his own steps. How many times have we tried, only to find ourselves in the middle of a mess? Our foresight is limited. Only the infinite God can direct our steps perfectly in the way that we should go. Sometimes it is hard for us to turn the helm over to the Lord and surrender our will to His, but when we do, we will discover that His results are much better than our own. Let the Lord direct your steps today, and when you get to a crossroads and need direction, turn your eyes to Heaven and ask Him to take over. You will never regret that move. ~
DAILY BIBLE READING: Psalm 37; Exodus 31-32
DAILY BIBLE READING: Psalm 37; Exodus 31-32