An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
January 9
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYThe wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. (Psalm 9:17)
We live in a world that strives to be politically correct. Even some preachers try to sugar coat their sermons so no one will be offended. The truth of the matter is that some unpleasant things need to be preached. Of those things is the reality of an everlasting, burning hell, and the truth is that most people are going there. Jesus declared that the broad road leads to hell, and there be many which travel it. There are only two ways to travel through life, and hell is the destiny of those who choose the wrong road of disobedience to God and wickedness. Paul said that his heart’s desire and prayer to God is that His nation Israel would be saved. (Romans 10:1) Let’s do all that we can to win our lost loved ones to Jesus Christ, and get them on the right road today. ~~~
DAILY BIBLE READING: Psalm 9; Genesis 20-21