An Upward Look
A Daily Devotional Observation from God's Word
April 16
SCRIPTURE VERSE FOR TODAYThen believed they his words; they sang his praise. (Psalm 106:12)
What a simple, yet profound, statement! I am one of those who go about singing all the time. I sing at church, while driving, working, sitting at home, and yes, even in the shower. The basis of my joyful heart is my faith and my security in God’s word! Years ago I trusted what the Bible says about my sins and the Savior. Obeying God’s word I was saved. He then put a song of praise in my heart. Since then I have tried to live according to His instructions in the Bible, a lifestyle that keeps the joyful songs in my heart. Read His words, trust them, and live them. You will find the song in your heart! ~~
DAILY BIBLE READING: Psalm 106; Ruth 3-4
DAILY BIBLE READING: Psalm 106; Ruth 3-4